We hope your 2019 has been fruitful thus far. I just want to mention a few things so I’ll keep this quick.
First, we’ve signed a deal for management and European booking with Blackskull Services so it’s only a matter of time before we tour Europe finally. Plans are being laid as we speak. For anyone interested in booking us in Europe, please contact: [email protected].
Second, we’re booking some sporadic local shows at the moment and will most likely plan a small tour for later in the year. The main focus of this year will be writing and recording the new +1476+ album (which we’ve begun), planning for Europe, and lining up our cards so everything we need is in place for the release of the new album. We want to wash over the world like a tidal wave. It feels good to be writing again. Between 2010-2015, we made Smoke In The Sky, Wildwood, The Nightside, Poe, the first Monastery and L-Xiii releases, and Our Season Draws Near. I think turning our attention towards building a live presence has been a nice much needed break but now is the time to go back into the dungeon. I feel as if I’m about to erupt with ideas.
Third, follow us on Spotify if you use it. We will start utilizing that format to curate playlists regularly.

And finally, I’m pleased to announce the preorder is live for the new Monastery album The Garden Of Abandon. It will be released in a limited edition of 50 cassette box sets that come with digital downloads. It’s a double album, part 1 being The Summer Queen and part 2 The Winter King. The set will come with 2 cassettes, a book of art and poems for each song, a hand numbered insert with album related content, and incense. This will be released by Fólkvangr Records on March 15 in time for the Monastery performance at Northeast Dungeon Siege (remaining tickets available here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3923845 ). For now, the box set and digital will be the only formats. I want to do more live performance with Monastery and if this is something that happens, we will press this on vinyl through Seraphim House.

With Monastery, the intent is always to create a fantasy world to withdraw into and explore using a combination of music, imagery, and words. They are never intended to tell a complete story but only to serve as a setting, context, and guide through a subtle, hidden place for the spirit & mind to wander & ponder within. Our Garden is an otherworldly backdrop full of fey magic and aristocratic malaise. Ethereal, atmospheric music paired with Pre-Raphaelite art and poetry in the archaic form of Sestinas form little vignettes giving away the secret thoughts & experiences of those who inhabit the Garden.

Dreamscapes for solitude. Dungeon Synth for psychonauts. Hymns for a new heathen age.
Preorder directly from the Monastery Bandcamp page here: https://monasteryhymns.bandcamp.com
***NOTE: The tape edition has sold out and we’re working on a second pressing now. Digital is available for preorder.***
Get an immediate download of the song An Orchid Night with the preorder.
Thank you, Everyone, for your support. It means the world to us!