Good Evening Everyone,
I’m slowly getting back into the swing of being home from the recent tour. It was our shortest tour to date—12 shows in 14 days—but it felt the longest for some reason. We were all emotionally, mentally, and physically spent for the months leading up to the tour so I’d like to thank everyone who did come out to see us this time. You truly made it worth it for us every single night. Many of you showed us the most moving kindnesses at each show whether it was through the blunt vulnerability of your words, housing us, feeding us, giving us future gig/venue advice, tipping us, or tipping us off to all things good and bad that we may need to know in your respective cities. After this strange year of trials and errors, some soul searching and lessons learned the hard way, it is 100% clear to us that YOU are the only ones that truly understand, support us, and elevate us. You are literally the lights in the dark wherever we go and we thank you humbly.

The basic setlist we played every night consisted of Shoreless (first time playing this one live), Winter Of Winds, Winter Of Wolves, Solitude (Interior), Odessa, Ettins, and a brand new song tentatively titled Going Dark. There was one reckless night in Wisconsin where we threw in By Torchlight because we’re masochists but otherwise, we kept the set consistent for the first time. I want to thank everyone for the enthusiasm surrounding the new song. It’s too soon to say if this will be on our upcoming album but that’s the plan anyways. And for the foreseeable future, our only plans are to make the new album so hopefully I’ll be updating you with good news in the coming months.
For now, I want to mention a few things quickly. We had two new shirts on tour which are now available to order in our store here: https://seraphimhouse.store/collections/1476
We have the Death Of Baldur shirt and the Dala Horse shirt. You can read about their symbolism and why we chose to use these images at their respective links in the shop.

These will most likely be the last of the Our Season Draws Near-based designs as we go into the pathless woods in search of new visions and new worlds.
All other +1476+ shirts have been permanently marked down to $12.99 as we are down to the last of our stock. Most of these won’t be reprinted.
At the end of this month, on Halloween if all goes according to plan, I’ll be launching a Patreon page. It’s something I’ve been mulling over and resisting for longer than you’d care to know. I’m not going to give you a sob story about how hard it is to be an artist in 2019. We’ve all heard it before and I’ve never been one for pity parties. I’ll just say that since we started touring, my job/financial situation has not been for the faint of heart. It’s taken me most of this year to figure out how to approach this and what I can offer. After many months, I believe I’ve come up with something more than fair and full of substance for those who wish to join me. As many of you know, occultism & ceremonial magick is a big part of my daily life and magickal/spiritual themes run deep throughout all of our albums. From the very beginning, it’s been a goal of mine to unify my art and spiritual practices beyond just incorporating them into lyrics. I have ideas for projects to be able to do this that will be documented and/or released through Patreon. This will be a bigger picture project for me that will encompass my music projects, visual art, writings, and magickal practices along with more everyday things like tour journals, album reviews, book recommendations, etc. I’ll give the full details when the launch happens. I’m spending the rest of this month developing content. So, I do hope you will give me a little chance as I move into this next phase of my life.

Finally, I’d like to thank absolutely everyone who served as our angels on this tour: Jay from The Final Sleep, all of Goblin Hovel in Rochester, NY, all of the fucking maniacs from Chicago for coming out at midnight on a Monday to see us (we really love you)!!!, Mike from the truck stop in Wisconsin, Natalie from the Burger Stand in Topeka, KS, the dude with the HP Lovecraft shirt in Nebraska, Aaron Saye from 7th Circle in Denver along with the artists Dreadnought and Cau5er, Matthew & Melissa Gindling in St. Louis, Grant Goodwine in Louisville, Tickle Pickle in Ohio, Chris Harvey from I Was Awake, all of our local fans, friends, and family that welcomed us home lovingly at our final show in Salem at Opus, and finally Jenn, Lexy, and Nicole for total support while we were out being hobos.

I’d personally like to thank my bandmates Neil for being the most magical drummer in the world, Young George for going into the dark every day and being so easy going at the same time, and Nate for being the worst human being I’ve ever met in my entire life in all the best and most perfect ways. And I thank all three of you for delivering 100% of the time against all odds.

Good Nite,
2 : ix : 19

Current Playlist
The Weakerthans – Fallow
Amanda Palmer – There Will Be No Intermission
Opeth – In Cauda Venenum
Glenn Danzig – Black Aria
Ulver – Drone Activity
Coil – entire catalogue
Therion – Sitra Ahra