We mentioned recently that we would be reprinting the Woodcut T-Shirts and we did it. Many of you over the last year have asked us about this and we finally got it done. We altered the design slightly, making the logo a bit larger. Neil and Lexy ( ;) mostly Lexy…) printed these by hand as we were not happy with the quality of the original pressing. They seemed to fade very quickly. These ones should be much better, print gods willing. They ship immediately and can be ordered here: http://store.1476cult.com/merch/woodcut-t-shirt

We also have a new design based on the Poetic Edda that we are about to print (once again, mostly Lexy…) once we get the shirts. This design is geared towards the album we are working on now. It should technically come out with the album but we like it and don’t give a fuck, so it’s coming out soon. With this one, we enter the heretical realm of band shirts that are not black. I’ve had a thing for white, off white, and grey shirts lately so fuck it. The design honestly looks much better this way, we feel. Have a gander:

As far as the upcoming album, we’re just about done recording. I’m wrapping up vocals and then on to mixing—my favorite part, though the whole recording process has been quite enjoyable over all. I think I’ve enjoyed recording this one more than anything else I’ve done so far. Anyways, we are anxious to play these songs live and are currently looking for a live bassist and second guitarist. If you or anyone you know is interested, write us at [email protected]. Like we said before—serious inquiries only. We’re looking for people with backgrounds in metal and punk with strong technical foundations. Must be 21. No drugs and all that. For musical references I’d say Sólstafir, Samhain, Amebix, Death In June, Iceage, Alcest, Agalloch, Danzig, Les Discrets, Enslaved, Wardruna, Dead Can Dance, Rudimentary Peni, Zounds, Subhumans (UK), Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Katatonia… Sorry, that’s a lot…
Finally, Troth silk-screened prints are available at the Monastery band camp page for those interested: http://monasteryhymns.bandcamp.com/merch/troth-silk-screened-print